Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Node.js, ES6 and me

On January 31, 2014 my second son was born. That evening, while my wife and newborn were getting some sleep, I decided to jump on my phone and try to respond to the never ending mound of issues that seem to pile up. One of which was about enabling the --harmony option by default. Unfortunately one of my posts was misinterpreted by some. I will gladly take the blame for being simultaneously overbroad in my description of features accepted into Node core, and nonspecific about what core means.

Though bear in mind I never thought my comment would be taken so far as to lead some to believe Node would actually fork v8, or some such, to prevent ES6 features from being available in Node (especially since we had already done for one feature what this PR suggested we do for several others). Or because just prior to that paragraph I had discussed my conditions for allowing --harmony to be enabled by default, and it would have been a contradiction to then say it would never be allowed.

So first I'd like to clarify that I improperly referred to the entire ES6 spec. In that post I was specifically referring to iterators, generators and promises. Second I'd like to state for the record that I've never had the intention of preventing any Node developer from using new features coming to JavaScript, or from preventing these features from being exposed to the user if enabled in v8 by default. Last clarification is that the reference to "core" meant core code.

My Node Future

Some of your are probably thinking, "Why wouldn't he want to save us from callback hell and integrate a generator/promise based API?" The reasons are simple and pragmatic. First is because the key thing Node does (integrating JavaScript with the v8 C++ bindings/libuv) can only be done via callbacks. Second is that I want to remove abstraction and allow users to interface their code as close to the action as possible.

The community has proven two things. First is that none of us agree on how an API should be written. Second is that there are very talented developers that will push Node to the limits. My hopeful goal for Node is to introduce a standardized minimal API that sits very close to these C++ bindings. From there the community can create whatever interface they want with as close to zero unnecessary overhead as possible.

I want Node to be tremendously good at one thing. Being the kernel of a web platform for app developers who wish to write in JavaScript. That means writing an API that allows minimal abstraction and as close to zero overhead as possible. So why use the callback style? Because currently it's the only way to interface with the v8 C++ bindings. When the v8 team introduces an API for generators or promises I will give it honest consideration.

Moving at Node Speed

Some days I like to write little apps that sit directly on top of the internal C++ API (Max, promise I haven't forgotten about the router app). Every time I'm reminded of how much performance is left on the table due to abstraction.

Imagine you want to saturate 100Gb pipe with TCP traffic. That means you'll be sending at least 204,800 packets a second. Which also means something needs to be executed at least 204,800 times per second to send that data. Small amounts of extra abstraction start to make a big difference in performance at this level.

The v8 team has done some amazing stuff to improve performance in key areas that are important to Node (doubt they had Node in mind when making those changes, but I'll take it anyways). Things like making calls between C++ and JavaScript have become extremely cheap (we're talking double digit nanosecond cheap). I'm working on new performance patterns that can hopefully be integrated down the road that will allow techniques like using JavaScript to chain a series of C++ callbacks together (useful for high performance transforms).

There is still so much more to be done, but if we're really going to make Node fast and keep it light weight then it must be done using a specific subset of the JavaScript specification. Just how far can we push Node? Let me just say you ain't seen nothing yet.

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